
How to Make a Striking Statement with a Feature Wall

<h1 class="news-banner__title">How to Make a Striking Statement with a Feature Wall </h1>

How to Make a Striking Statement with a Feature Wall

Few things in interior design have the ability to transform a space as quickly as a well-designed feature wall. A feature wall, also called an accent wall, creates a focal point in any room and gives your house personality and visual interest. A well-thought-out accent wall can leave a strong first impression whether you prefer something bold and vibrant or subtle and sophisticated. Whether it be wall ideas for living rooms, or bedroom accent wall ideas, we'll talk about different ways to make a statement with your feature wall and give your home personality and style.

Choose the Perfect Wall

Choosing the best location in a room is the first step in creating a statement accent wall. Think about the room's design, normal lighting, and what furniture and other objects you have in the room already. A good candidate for this is typically the wall behind a bed or sofa that draws the most attention or serves as a backdrop for furniture to provide the most impact from your accent wall design.

Select a Striking Colour 

One of the simplest ways to make a statement with your feature wall is through colour, be that with paint or feature wall wallpaper. Choose a bold, contrasting colour that goes well with the room's overall colour scheme. Colours with a lot of vibrancy, like deep blue, rich red, or emerald green, can make a big impact and get people's attention right away. Alternately, for an elegant and understated appearance, select a shade that is slightly darker or lighter than the walls surrounding it if you prefer a more subtle approach to your feature wall ideas.

Experiment with Texture and Materials

Explore a variety of textures and materials for your accent wall to really make it stand out. Stone veneers, reclaimed wood panels, or exposed brick can give a rustic or industrial look depth. For a more contemporary feel, consider finished wall covers, for example, 3D wall boards or embellishing tiles. Or of course, choose a textured feature wall wallpaper. Your accent wall design will become a conversation starter thanks to these options, which not only increase the wall's visual appeal but also provide a tactile experience.

Incorporate Art and Wall Decor 

One of our favourite accent wall ideas is incorporating art and wall decor into your accent wall design. Put up a collection of smaller paintings or a large painting that reflects your personal taste and aesthetic. These components add visual interest as well as add to the general mood of the room. Of course, when deciding on this, consider the room you’re in, it maybe you have different wall ideas for living rooms, compared to your bedroom accent wall ideas. Every room will suit a different style!

Lighting and Accent Fixtures

Proper lighting can fundamentally upgrade the effect of your feature wall ideas. Accent wall lighting, such as picture lights or wall sconces, can be used to bring out the artwork or architectural details on the feature wall. If you want to draw attention to the wall's presence and create a subtle glow along its edges, you could use LED strips or recessed lighting. 

Furniture and Decorative Accessories

Select furniture and decorative accessories that complement your accent wall with care. Depending on the effect you want, select items that either complement or contrast with the feature wall wallpaper or paint colour and design of the wall. For instance, if the colour of your feature wall is bright, balance it out with accessories and furniture in a neutral colour. On the other hand, if your accent wall design is subtle, you might want to add bright and bold accents like curtains, rugs, or cushions.
Designing a statement feature wall allows you to infuse your home with personality, style, and visual interest. Gather up your accent wall ideas and let your creativity flow!